The Friends of Grampians Gariwerd (FOGG) has around 50 members. Of these members, there are about 40 locals with the remaining members coming from other parts of Victoria and some from interstate.

We work in close co-operation with the local staff of Parks Victoria. FOGGs came into existence in 1984, the same year as the Grampians was declared a National Park. Over the years we have created many joint projects we can look back on with pride.

As Friends of Grampians Gariwerd we aim to:

  • Promote the conservation, protection and restoration of the Grampians Gariwerd National Park;
  • Increase the community’s involvement, knowledge and enjoyment of the Grampians Gariwerd National Park;
  • Assist with projects selected by FOGG and Grampians Gariwerd National Park; and,
  • Provide a community voice in support of the Grampians Gariwerd National Park.

We put out a newsletter four times a year so that all our members can find out what is happening in the park.

We keep our membership fee low, at $25 per year (July to June), to encourage membership and we encourage donations to give us some disposable income. To join, complete and send the membership form to our secretary.

Greater Gariwerd (including the Grampians National Park) is on the lands of the Barengi Gadjin, Eastern Maar and Gunditj Mirring peoples and we acknowledge them as the Traditional Owners.