FOGG AGM 14th November 2020 held at Heatherlie Quarry.
Members met at lunch time after our wildflower walk nearby.
Minutes from 2019 AGM were read and accepted
Presidents Report: Catherine gave a summary of the year’s activity. Passed a motion of thanks to Catherine for her two years’ presidency, and for helping us through both the Covid scenario and the changes in Parks rules.
Treasurers Report: Balance on 1st.July 2019 was $9,828.45, income for the financial year was $1,808.00, expenditure $818.60, leaving a balance $10,817.85 at 30th.June 2020. (Not audited)
Membership Fees: -To remain $20 for individual and $25 for Family
Election of Office Bearers: President: Leigh Douglas,
Vice president: Rodney Thompson.
Secretary: Alison Bainbridge Thanks to Bill & Judy Gardner’s efforts in their term as Secretary.
Treasurer: Judith Thompson. Note that this is last year Judith will hold the position of Treasurer.
Committee Ordinary Members: the number of ordinary members to remain at four. David Steane, Geoff Stratford, Ben Gunn and Andrew Cunningham
Newsletter Editor – Margo Sietsma re-elected as newsletter editor.
General Business:
Life membership for Win Pietsch: Moved that Win Pietsch be made a Life Member of FOGGS. Carried.
Motion: Andrew Cunningham moved that FOGGs lobby Parks Victoria in 2021 to increase toilet facilities in the Northern Grampians, especially Reids Lookout, and Hollow Mountain and Heatherlie Quarry. Carried.
The AGM closed at 2:30pm and we proceeded to a general meeting.
General Meeting
- Volunteer Innovation Fund: Agreed not to apply for 2020. Will review in 2021.
- Updating Park Brochures: There were several members working on information for the brochures including Neil Macumber, Leigh Douglas and Margo Sietsma, Rodney, Bruce McInness. Suggestion that the Halls Gap History Society might be interested in providing information on settlement history. Secretary to send out email to members working on this project to ask how far they have got with this project noting that Hannah Auld would like this Information early 2021.
- Ian McCann Books: 60 copies of Ian’s book are left after taking one for M Stevens farewell gift. It was agreed to keep 10 copies as gifts for presenters. Agreed to readvertise in the next newsletter.
Kellet Prints: 16 still available after choosing one for M Stevens farewell gift. It was agreed to keep some copies as gifts for presenters. Agreed to readvertise in the next newsletter. - FOGG Cupboard: The present FOGG cupboard inadequate and awkward to access.
- Motion: Margo Sietsma moved that we send a letter to Rhonda McNeil to request better and more accessible storage for FOGG.
- Farewell to Mike Stevens: It was agreed to present Mike and his family a copy of Ian McCann’s book and a Kellett print. Leigh Douglas to provide a card. Margo Sietsma and Alison Bainbridge to finalise. Margo will present this to Mike Stevens on behalf of FOGG.
Editor’s note: If you would like a copy of Ian’s Wildflower book, or one of the Kellett prints, please contact our secretary Alison.