Welcome to the newsletter, whether you are receiving it in the post or by email. Remember that you can also access previous newsletters via our website . https://friendsofgrampiansgariwerd.org.au
First of all I need to let you know that our Ranger in Chief Dave Roberts has resigned from Parks Victoria to work for DELWP in the Otways area. We all want to thank him for his leadership and vision over the last very challenging eight years. At this stage there is no news of who will replace him – or when. His farewell letter can be found here.
Next, an apology and an explanation: We have disappointed some of our members by not sticking firmly to a regular monthly time for activities, which has made it hard for some of you to get to things they would have liked to join in with. We’ve also had a request for some Sunday activities, particularly when we join with other groups, but this in turn inconveniences those of us who are churchgoers. Decisions, decisions. Plus we have been late telling you the dates and putting them up on the website. Some of this has been due to negotiating with outside speakers, such as Dr Nick Clemann, as to when they could come to the Grampians; some where we want to combine with other groups, and some just poor organisation. Your editor has been over-committed and our webmaster has had a couple of operations. We will try to improve, we promise.
When I was visiting family in England and Germany in July, I visited several nature reserves with Friends Groups. I didn’t actually get to join in any friends’ activities but I’ll put a couple of photos up here if there’s room. Once again there are interesting articles I want to make room for.
Finally, please note that it’s time to renew your membership, via the form here.
Please check if we have your correct email address so we can contact you with late news.